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Phone: 954-651-9847
Fax: 954-990-6191

Fort Lauderdale Heart & Rhythm Surgery Center Physicians

Our Physician Team

With decades of combined clinical and procedural experience, the board-certified physicians at Fort Lauderdale Heart & Rhythm Surgery Center have the medical expertise to take care of you and your loved ones.

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A Dedicated Staff

Our physicians, nurses, and technicians provide high quality care in a warm, personalized setting for patients.

Surgical Services We Offer

Our professional, experienced staff welcomes you with a dedication to providing quality care. We exist to serve each patient’s needs.

Advanced technology performed in a safe and comfortable environment allows you to return home to familiar surroundings the same day as your procedure. Fort Lauderdale Heart & Rhythm Surgery Center  met all licensing standards for quality care and safety and is accredited for Medicare reimbursement. If at any time you have concerns or questions regarding your procedure, please feel free to call us at  954-651-9847